COVID-19 & Personal Insurance
Here is some general information of how insurance policies would work in relation to COVID-19
Redundancy Cover – Do you need it?
There has been a lot of headlines in the business section over the last 6 months regarding low business confidence and talk of a global recession.
Southern Cross Benefit Review – Medical Insurance
Southern Cross have had some bad press this week (see story here). After their annual benefit review, they have announced that they will...
How much life insurance do other people have?
I often get asked this question and this is my answer; It’s not about them. It is about you. There are so many factors to consider when thinking about …
I'm Uninsurable
I hear this from time to time when talking to people about what cover they have in place (or don’t have in this instance). In most cases they have tried one provider and …
Mortgage & Pregnancy. When are you at risk?
I have a lot of conversations with people about their life situation and there are two areas …
Is wishing someone Happy Birthday Generic?
When I started as an insurance adviser the company I worked for sent Birthday cards to all of their clients. I remember making the comment that to me it didn't feel sincere.
When is a smoker no longer a smoker? - After 12 months!
When you signed up for your insurance, if you were a smoker at that time your cover will be on smoking rates which are more expensive.
A medical benefit not often claimed – Cash Back for a public hospital stay
Private Medical Insurance has many benefits and as most people don’t read their policy wordings (because that’s our job) sometimes there is a claim event that can be missed.
Insurance Exclusions and Loadings. What are they and can they be reviewed?
When someone takes out new cover the risk is assessed medically. If they have a condition that makes them more likely to claim on that product than someone without …
Bringing Sexy Back
When I first started in insurance I struggled a bit with the public perception of the industry. So much so that one night, when I was out at a networking event talking to someone …
Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek and Slide – Follow Up, “Mole Map”
The start of the year is always about fresh beginnings and I thought it was a good idea to knock an item off my “to do” list that was overdue so I booked a mole map.
Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek and Slide - Low Grade Melanoma Cover
When I was a teenager I think the highest SPF sun screen you could get was SPF8. Most people used a SPF2 or SPF4 and a lot of people even used Johnson’s Baby Oil …
Medical Cover - The 2 major issues, non pharmac drugs and pre-existing conditions
There are two major hot spots with medical insurance that people need to consider.
One detail that you can leave out of your will
One detail you can leave out of your will. Who will look after your Facebook page after you are gone? Probably not something that you had given a lot of thought to before!