Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek and Slide - Low Grade Melanoma Cover


When I was a teenager I think the highest SPF sun screen you could get was SPF8. Most people used a SPF2 or SPF4 and a lot of people even used Johnson’s Baby Oil to fry themselves. In hindsight just because everyone was doing it, possibly it wasn’t a great idea.

These days we know better but you can’t escape the past.

Trauma cover pays out a lump sum if you are diagnosed with a predetermined medical condition and survive for 14 days.

Melanoma is one of these “conditions” and you are eligible for a full trauma claim if your melanoma reaches a certain depth.

In more recent years we have seen the introduction of cover for low grade melanomas. This is when the melanoma is discovered early but is not yet deep enough to qualify for a full claim. Some companies have this as a built-in feature and for others it is an optional extra. The claim amount is a partial payment of your full trauma amount.

There are two ways to look at early grade cancer cover.

  1. If it is discovered that you have a low grade melanoma the treatment is generally a simple surgery to have it removed. You may not require any time off work, therefore the financial impact is minimal.

  2. If it is discovered that you have a low grade melanoma, do you want to hear from your adviser “yes you have skin cancer, but not enough to qualify for a claim” OR “yes this is a claim, where would you like your money to be paid”. I know which one I’d prefer.

You need to understand what your policy covers and if there are any gaps in it. If your policy was taken out 5-10 years ago you may not have cover for low grade melanoma.

If you want to check your policy or add this cover please contact us at Beach Insurance.


Slip, Slop, Slap, Seek and Slide – Follow Up, “Mole Map”


Medical Cover - The 2 major issues, non pharmac drugs and pre-existing conditions