how to make a medical claim
Claim time is important to us at Beach Insurance
As part of our customer service we are here to give you advice and assist you at claim time.
Generally, the process would work in the following way.
You develop a medical condition and go to see your GP.
The GP may refer you for some investigations. Following the investigation, they may refer you to a specialist, or
The GP refers you directly to a specialist. The specialist refers you for some investigations.
Once the specialist has the required information, they will inform you of the next steps and the course of treatment. This will be outlined in the specialist report and they will provide an estimate of costs.
Before having any surgery, treatment or investigation, it is recommended that you seek pre-approval, so that you know the procedure you require will be covered.
To request a pre-approval just click on your insurer’s logo or call us.
NB: If you are making a medical claim for Accuro (policy less than 5 years old), nib or Partners Life you will need your GP to complete some paperwork.
For Income Protection, Trauma, Total & Permanent Disablement and Life Insurance claims please contact Lance on 021 536 968
Click on your insurer’s logo for more details.
You can submit your claims or pre-approval either online or using a paper-based form.
Go to accuro.co.nz
- On the homepage, click the Login button on the top right. Register and login.
- On the left hand column click either ‘Submit a pre-approval’ or ‘Submit a claim’.
If you are requesting pre-approval click here
If you have paid for your procedure and would like to be reimbursed click here
For either online or paper-based claims, if your policy is less than 5 years old you will need to have a medical report completed by your GP click here
You can submit your claims or pre-approval either online or using a paper-based form.
To lodge an online claim click here
You will need to provide:
- Referral letter from GP or referring medical practitioner.
- Specialist Report & Estimate of costs.
- Receipts of any appointments/scans paid to date.
If you have a Major Medical Deluxe or Ultimate Health Max policy, you are able to use any providers.
If you have any other nib policy you should use a provider that is in the “First Choice Network”, otherwise you will have to cover any short fall. Click here to find a provider
To apply for pre-approval or make a claim click here
Register with ‘My nib’ and lodge your pre-approval/claim online.
You can also download the ‘My nib” app from the App Store or Google play.
In some cases, your health provider will lodge the claims with nib directly.
If you prefer to use a paper based claim, please download this form and send to claims@nib.co.nz, please cc: support@beachinsurance.co.nz
Please note: paper based pre-approvals / claims will take longer to process.
Option 1 - Online Claims
For pre-approval or a claim use this link https://www.partnerslife.co.nz/start-your-claim. You then complete the claim form online, signature(s) are not required.
- Upload the referral letter from GP or referring medical practitioner.
- Upload Specialist Report & Estimate of costs.
- Receipts of any appointments/scans paid to date.
Option 2 - Paper Claims
For pre-approval or a claim please download and complete this form.
You will need to provide:
- Referral letter from GP or referring medical practitioner.
- Specialist Report & Estimate of costs.
- Receipts of any appointments/scans paid to date.
In most cases Southern Cross will require you to have your treatment done by an affiliated provider.
The affiliated provider will often lodge the claim directly with Southern Cross.
If they do not, click here to make a claim.
Register for “My Southern Cross” and apply for pre-approval or make a claim online or using the app.