business insurance
keep your business running smoothly
In business the best way to ensure peace of mind is to protect your most important assets: your staff and your revenue.
Business insurance provides continuity by covering the risk of losing a person who is key to the ongoing success of your business.
As well as protecting key people, you can also ensure all your staff are covered against illness and injury which will provide support while they get back on their feet and back to work. This will give you and their families peace of mind should the unexpected happen.
And lastly Shareholder cover will provide funding to enable a buyout should a major health event affect one of your shareholders.
Key Person Cover
What/who is a key person? If someone was taken out of your business for 6 months without notice can your company survive the loss of that person?
Key person provides cover on any key individual in a company, so that if they were unable to work due to a critical illness, disablement or death the company could survive the loss and continue to trade. Risks often identified can include, Debt Protection, Revenue Replacement, Development Capital, Contractual Penalties, and Recruitment/Inducement Costs.
Shareholder Protection
Shareholder Protection provides the funding to enable a buyout in the event of Death, Total & Permanent Disablement and in some cases Trauma. A buy sell agreement containing an agreed valuation method will provide the framework to ensure a transparent share transfer process.
Workplace Insurance
Workplace insurance provides staff benefits as part of their remuneration package. It can cover any of the listed personal covers, Medical, Income Protection, Trauma, Total & Permanent Disablement and Life Cover. The major advantage of group cover is that in most cases pre existing conditions will be covered, family members can be covered under the same terms at the group discounted rates.